
The Occupy Voice

I had been considering several different project ideas as a way of (hopefully) contributing to the Occupy movement with my own approach and presentation.  In the initial days after local Occupiers joined the national movement, I was debating an issue of Operations Manual on the subject but I knew this it was only the beginning of everything and I didn't want it to stop there so I devised this simple project seeking contributions from Occupier zine sympathizers where ever they may be.  However feeble these efforts may be, I'm hoping they will help us all along the way. 

There has already been a good response with several very awesome submissions and I'm really looking forward to seeing many more.  Everyone is welcome to participate and continue submitting images as this will only continue to grow.  The first issue will be ready as soon as a few more submissions (hopefully) arrive.  Stay tuned.
The Occupy Voice

There are several very good, well-intentioned, and authentic Occupy creative projects out there doing things for all the right reasons. Unfortunately, there are far too many more that are simply trying to profit from the movement, its momentum and enthusiasm, its images and messages, and especially its people.

This is an example of a project that has the right intentions and ethic and it shines in everything they're doing. From their site to their philosophy to my personal interaction with the main dude, they've been nothing but aces. Support them because they support you. OCCUPRINT.ORG If you're a designer, you should make some posters and become part of their project too!

This is a prime example of somebody that is simply doing it wrong, a project that has all the wrong intentions and it wreaks in everything he's doing. From his site to incredibly weak concept and images to my personal interactions with the sham "artist" himself, it is clearly intended to exploit the movement with no intention of returning any amount of support for the greater good. OccupyFace Is a joke and not a funny one. If you really want some sweet occupy poster art, you should support the previously mentioned projects, not this fool.